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Culture at Work

30/05/2018 - 13:43

The Committee on Culture of UCLG , together with a consortium of eight African, European and international partners (including Interarts, the International Music Council - IMC, Bozar, the Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust, Culture et Développement, the Regional Center for the Living Arts in Africa - CERAV, and the Arterial Network), and with the support of the European Union, launched the  ‘Culture at Work Africa’ project, aiming to promote the public value of intercultural dialogue for social cohesion in urban Africa.

Culture at Work Africa - Promoting the Public Value of Culture for Social Cohesion and Urban Development in Africa is looking to support innovative on-the-ground projects aiming at developing safe and neutral spaces for intercultural dialogue and at promoting active citizenship and intercommunity relations. Projects will seek sustainable outputs and will foster multi-stakeholder national and transnational cooperation, inclusive societies, cultural diversity and equal dignity for all.



In the context of the initiative, the UCLG Committee on Culture released the final publication  "Culture At Work Africa: the Public Value of Intercultural Dialogue for Social Cohesion in Urban Africa". The publication addresses the lack of documents or reports that illustrate in practice, at work, how culture changes our societies in an empowering way. It explains the reality of 15 African countries and provides details about 33 projects and programmes co-funded in the context of the Culture At Work Africa initiative. It also provides recommendations for subsequent activities at local, national, regional or African and EU level. Along with providing valuable lessons in addressing local issues and challenges, this publication also aims at documenting, promoting and providing international visibility on the 33 projects and programmes co-funded in the context of the initiative.




















The first call for proposals run until 21 September 2018 (12:00 GMT) and welcomed 15 subgranted projects from all over Africa.

Check out the contents and descriptions of the selected projects:


Press release 


Press release - First Call



Communiqué - First Call
















Culture at Work Africa launched a second call for proposals addressed to 15 African countries! The call was looking for innovative on-the-ground projects aiming at developing safe and neutral spaces for intercultural dialogue and at promoting active citizenship and intercommunity relations.

The second call run between 15 January 2019 and 15 April 2019 (12:00 GMT) and welcomed 20 new subgranted projects from all the targeted African countries.

Check out the contents and descriptions of the selected projects:

Press release 


Press release - Second Call



Communiqué - Second call
















To know more about Culture at Work Africa, please visit