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Culture Sao Paulo Covid-19


Culture in Sao Paulo Covid-19

22 July

Drive-in Theaters are allowed in São Paulo

  • Due to the pandemic with movie theaters closed, a couple of drive-in theaters are being authorized by the Municipal Licensing Secretariat as a temporary measure, to promote a leisure option to the citizens. It is important to reinforce that the City Hall just gives permission under technical and sanitary guarantees. Must be respected the mask use, maximum of 4 people in the car, sanitization of the park between sessions and a minimum of 2 meter of distance of people in the shared areas (coffee shops and toilets, e.g.). Convertible cars with the hood opened are not allowed in the Drive-ins.

  • A drive-in theater located in the East Zone of the city also will collect food and offer free tickets to health, militaries and education professionals. Besides that, it will give 5% of the tickets sale to help event professionals by the project Ajude 1 freela (Help 1 freelancer, in literal translation), a spontaneous social collective whose purpose is to give dignity and livelihood to helplessness professionals.

The program of Rock Month has stylized buses and online presentations

  • Stylizing buses sticky with pictures of great rock artists and bands are circulating around the city promoting the rock month, one of the many interventions that has been done in São Paulo. The buses are from the public lines and do not play music. The presentations are streaming online on YouTube.

New action gives information about Covid-19 prevention with music intervention

  • In a joint action between the International Affairs Secretariat, Municipal Housing Secretariat and Communication Secretariat supported by the private initiative, on July 21st, a truck carrying singers stopped close to home buildings in downtown to propose information and culture to the residents. The action is one of the many actions taken to tackle the misinformation about the coronavirus by the City Hall.


17 June

Culture dialogues - thoughts about the future of arts


  • The discussions, held in online platforms and open to the population, have the purpose of indicating the paths for artistic manifestations in the post-quarantine period, considering that the cultural sector is one of the most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • At this moment, when artistic presentations in public or private places are suspended, the Municipal Culture Secretariat understands the urgency to think about creative and innovative alternatives to support the cultural sector.

  • The project themes are i. Art and City Relation - Open Public Spaces for Culture; ii. The Artist's place; iii. The Future of Major Events; iv. Challenge for the New Art Protocols; v. Art, Audience and Occupation of Public Spaces; vi. Cultural Management in the Face of the Crisis; vii. From the Solutions Generated in the Quarantine Towards New Models; viii. The Place of Specialized Media in the New Context; ix. New Social Interaction - Perspectives in the Art Context.

Smiling Mask Project


  • Smiling Mask project (Sorriso na Mascara, in portuguese) is an artistic action for orientation of the population about the COVID-19 pandemic. This project also helps the artistic class, directly affected by the suspensions of artistic presentation, to continue working.

  • Supported by the Culture Secretariat of Sao Paulo City Hall, the artistic class, presented as clowns and mimics, give healthcare and social distance tips at the bus terminals in the city. These didactic actions of prevention and awareness of COVID-19 is linked to the urgency of thinking about creative and innovative alternatives to support the cultural sector, avoiding its shutdown.

Memorial in Honor of the COVID-19 Victims


  • On the day of the environment (June 5), the Mayor of Sao Paulo, Bruno Covas, announced the creation of a park on the east side of the city, in honor of the victims of the pandemic. The objective, in addition to be a memorial site, is to contribute to the reforestation of the State of Sao Paulo.


27 May

SPCine launches digital cineclub to discuss movies and current social issues:

  • The initiative has the purpose to promote the diversity of audiovisual production, the multiplicity of ideas, styles and genres, and to stimulate critical thinking based on movies that bring relevant and current society themes.

  • To facilitate access to the debated works, the productions that are part of the digital cinema club program can be viewed directly on SPCine Play, a streaming platform with more than 230 titles that can be accessed for free from anywhere in Brazil.

  • The project keeps the conception of the SPCine spaces that had their programming suspended last March, due to COVID-19. The main purpose is to continue to offer quality content that encourages analysis in this period of social isolation.


20 May

São Paulo City Hall will present Brazil Platform (Plataforma Brasil, in portuguese) shows in online format

  • Performances canceled due to the pandemic have been rescheduled and will be screened through the Municipal Culture Secretariat channels from May 21st.

  • There will be four art performances by the São Paulo International Theater Exhibition.

  • The artists and the creative teams of these performances will also make live broadcasting on the social media of the São Paulo City Hall's theaters.


13 May and 29 April 2020

The Municipal Culture Secretariat opened inscriptions to the project Online Library (Biblioteca Online). The project will keep the incentive actions during the period of agglomeration restrictions due to the fight against COVID-19 to culture and artistic sectors, valuing and supporting specially low-income artists and residents in neighborhoods with a high vulnerability index.


15 April 2020

The initiative Solidarity City (Cidade Solidária) by the Culture Secretariat counted with the engagement of famous brazilian artists that recorded a video, asking the population to help with the initiative. The artists are known as opinion leaders in Brazil, which can engage a large community of fans to help people.


28 March 2020

The coordination of efforts of São Paulo City Council to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Culture field.

  • The initiative has the purpose to promote the diversity of audiovisual production, the multiplicity of ideas, styles and genres, and to stimulate critical thinking based on movies that bring relevant and current society themes.

  • To facilitate access to the debated works, the productions that are part of the digital cinema club program can be viewed directly on SPCine Play, a streaming platform with more than 230 titles that can be accessed for free from anywhere in Brazil.

  • The project keeps the conception of the SPCine spaces that had their programming suspended last March, due to COVID-19. The main purpose is to continue to offer quality content that encourages analysis in this period of social isolation.

    • Regulatory Ordinance of Emergency Decree
      • Implementation of teleworking and rotation in face-to-face assignments.
      • Restriction of service to the public in the Culture Secretariat building with prior appointment for situations of essential attendance.
      • Alignment with outsourced companies hired to operate the equipment in the portfolio, complying with the rules of Decree.
    • Closure of all Culture equipment – Cultural Centers, Theaters, Museums and Culture Houses.The signed contracts are guaranteed to be relocated through the ordinance published on March 13, 2020.
    • Relocation of major events to the second semester.
    • Hiring of autonomous Culture professionals without income to generate online content through single presentations (experiences, readings, concerts, workshops, theater, skits, etc.).
    • Artistic Production budget: Online Cultural Center R$ 1,75 million. Online theater R$ 1,34 million. Online culture house R$ 1,22 million. Collectives Cultural Events R$ 1,8 million.
    • Cultural training budget: “EMIA” (Municipal School for Artistic Initiation) online R$ 1,25 million. “Piá Online” R$ 1,11 million. “Vocational Online” R$ 1,20 million. “Young Online Monitor” R$ 1,83 million.
    • Foments: efforts to anticipate the launch of the notices that were scheduled for the months of April and June with a total budget of R$ 63,750,000.00.
    • PROMAC – Municipal Support for Cultural Projects: extension of the project registration deadline to May 27th, 2020. The public customer service is online. The Commission will schedule online meetings, avoiding the project interruption. The total PROMAC investment is R$ 30,000,000.00 (tax incentives).
    • SPCine.
      • Making all SPCine Play content available, free of charge to people of São Paulo.
      • Ensuring the maintenance of festivals and exhibitions in São Paulo that have been postponed or canceled.
      • Continuing the training of film club agents through distance learning
      • Festivals and other activities online.