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1st Creative Mobilities International Forum – Grenoble (France), 29 September 2017

27/06/2017 - 10:50
The Creative Mobilities International Forum, co-organized by Territoires Associés, SMTC and Terra21 will be launched in Grenoble, France, on 29 September 2017.
The Forum focuses on the human dimension of urban mobility, including the potential synergies between mobility, creativity, culture(s), and sustainable development in cities and human settlements.
Promoting sustainable mobility forms through culture, education and creativity.
Promoting the territories’ identity and their cultural richness through mobilities.
- Transform commute and transportation time into experiences;
- Place the human being back at the heart of the territories through public policies synergies and by promoting the cooperation between the different stakeholders in cities and human settlements;
- Develop transports and mobilitities through creativity;
- Make artistic creation and the diversity of cultural expressions « travel » and accessible through mobilty networks and new forms of sustainable mobility;
- Investigate values, supporting behaviors change for sustainable development and active citizenship;
- Promote the emergence of new and shared imaginaries for and in public space(s), an inclusive urban development, fighting against climate change;
- Foster multi-stakeholders partnerships, CSR, R&D, artists and creatives cooperation in companies for technological, social and artistic innovation.
- Diversity complex and plural societies where the local and the global are interdependent;
- The issue of inequalities and rights (right to the city, right to mobility, cultural rights…);
- The digital environment, its opportunities, its limits and its impacts on mobility, the artistic creation, artistic distribution and on the values within communities; address the digital divide
- The raise and the need for new knowledge and new skills to address territories and social inequalities;
- Participation in and co-construction of public space(s) for a culture of active and inclusive citizenship;
- Public health and inhabitants well-being in territories;
- The preservation of the natural and cultural resources for future generations.
The ASEF Foundation also published a very interesting article on the links between Creative Mobilities Forum and Agenda 21 for culture.