The 3rd UCLG Culture Summit took place in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on last 3-5 April 2019. It tackled the following key themes:
- Culture in the SDGs: towards 2030
- A gender perspective in cultural policies
- Implementing Culture 21 Actions
- Social Transformation and Culture
- Independent culture
The UCLG Culture Summit is a unique global event, sends very strong messages on the role of culture in development and provides a remarkable international visibility to the city / region / local government that hosts the event. The programme of the Summit, elaborated between the UCLG Committee on culture and the host city, emphized that culture is an integral part of sustainable cities, and promoted the sharing of experiences and innovations from cities accross the world.
Following are available a number of documents, among which: the background document, the Terms of Reference as well as the first pressnote on the Summit; but also the complete programme of the event and the final communiqué.
Check out the key speeches of Mr. Mpho Parks Tau, President of UCLG; Ms. Johanne Bouchard, Observatory for Cultural Rights and Diversity ; Ms. Ammu Joseph, Independent journalist and author, Bangalore, and M. Alfons Martinell, Professor of International Cultural Cooperation, Girona: