October. UCLG’s World Council in Sao Paulo. The mechanisms needed for the creation of Work Groups are agreed and presented. UCLG officially adopts the Agenda 21 for Culture as a reference document and assumes the coordination of its impulse and dissemination.
September 15th. Presentation of the Agenda 21 for Culture before UCLG, UN-HABITAT and UNESCO.
May 8th. Approval of the Agenda 21 for Culture in the framework of Porto Alegre’s IV Forum of Local Authorities for Social Inclusion, held in Barcelona.
May 5th. United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Foundational Congress in Paris. The statutes of UCLG assume the commitment to boost and promote the Agenda 21 for Culture.
January. Presentation of the Agenda 21 for Culture draft in the framework of the Local Authorities for Social Inclusion Forum.

November. Presentation of the Agenda 21 for Culture draft in the European Forum of Local Authorities held in Saint-Denis.
January. The elaboration of the Agenda 21 for culture is started in the framework of the III Forum of Local Authorities for Social Inclusion in Porto Alegre

September. The First World Public Meeting on Culture is held in Porto Alegre. The idea of designing a document that explores the relation between culture and sustainable development arises in this important momentum.