On 23-24 May 2023, the City of Rabat, 2023 African Capital for Culture, hosted the Forum of Mayors and Leaders of Territorial Authorities of Africa on Culture.
The Forum gathered African local elected officials members, experts and partners from across the world to discuss on culture and sustainable development, including the cities of: Bilbao, Bologna, Brazzaville, Bulawayo, Cape Town, Dakar, Izmir, Kampala, Lilongwe, Matera, Nouakchott, Saint-Louis, Sibiu, Yoff (Dakar) and Yopougon.
On the second day of the event, the Manifesto for the Renewal of African and Afro-descendant Culture was adopted by the Forum.
The programme os the meeting is still available in French and English. See also the press-release.
More information here.