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International Tourism Conference - INVTUR 2020
11/10/2019 - 13:53
In the context of the International Tourism Conference - INVTUR 2020, a special thematic session called "Creative tourism: demonstrating local actions towards SDGs" will be organized at the University of Aveiro (Portugal).
The session is organised by Nancy Duxbury, Greg Richards & Fiona Eva Bakas.
The organisers call for submissions aiming at addressing the following key issues including (but not limited to) the following themes:
- Sustainable creative tourism;
- Approaches linking community-based and creative tourism;
- Creative travellers and responsible travel;
- Creative/cultural tourism as a responsible consumption and production practice;
- Decent work through creative tourism;
- Culture-led local development and local creative tourism entrepreneurs;
- Contribution of creative/cultural tourism to creating sustainable cities and communities;
- Development models for creative tourism activities;
- Marketing approaches for creative tourism;
- Creative tourism extensions of cultural tourism and heritage tourism;
- Creative/cultural tourism in small cities and rural areas;
- Stakeholders involved in creative/cultural tourism development: ‘Open doors’ and participatory approaches;
- Impacts of creative/cultural tourism on local residents’ lives;
- Creative tourism networks.
Extended abstracts (up to 6,000 characters), full papers or posters should be submitted electronically (via php/rtd/) by October 31st, 2019.
For more information see the Call for Papers.