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The Committee on culture collaborates with the Mediterranean City-to-City Migration Project (MC2CM), implemented by the UCLG Migration Community of Practice, ICMPD and UN-Habitat, and funded by the European Commission and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
MC2CM brings together cities and experts on migration issues, human rights, and sustainable urban development in order to improve migration governance at the city level. MC2CM promotes peer-to-peer dialogues and actions to support learning on specific urban challenges such as social cohesion, intercultural dialogue, employment, housing rights and provision of basic services for migrants.
On 11-12 December 2019 the Committee on culture participated at the MC2CM thematic learning event “Cultural Policies: a vector for migrants’ inclusion in urban context” held in the city of Casablanca, which explored the ways local governments can implement a cultural approach to migration as vector of inclusion and opportunities at the local level. Based on this experience, Jordi Baltà Portolés, cultural consultant and researcher at Trànsit Projectes (Barcelona) and an advisor to the UCLG Committee on Culture conducted a report with the same title, benefiting from the contributions of MC2CM city focal points and partners, as well as from expert Phil Wood’s background document for the event.
More information on the MC2CM project here.