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International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21: Results & Ceremony!

Organised on a biennial bases, the International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 has official winners fot its 6th edition 2023-2024!
The objective of the 6th edition of the International Award UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21 is to celebrate the work of cities, local or regional governments, and leading individuals who have excelled in the promotion of innovative practices linked to the exercise of cultural rights, citizenship and sustainable development. The Award reaffirms the leadership of Mexico City in the relationship between culture and sustainable development, and the commitment of UCLG to place culture as a fundamental dimension of sustainable cities. The Award has two categories: “City, Local or Regional Government” and “Individual”.
In the 6th edition, in the category “City, Local or Regional Government”, the Award recognises the leadership of cities in the promotion of cultural rights as a transversal driver of local sustainable development, highlighting the diversity and excellence of policies and actions of local governments from all over the world. This shows that there is no single model of development, and that each project and policy is inscribed in specific and different local contexts, and constitute unique and original proposals. It is important to note that the action should have documented evidence of the impact and the successes achieved.
Between 29 November 2023 and 3 April 2024, the open call of the Award received 87 candidacies from cities, local and regional governments from across the globe. On 11 June 2024, the Jury of the Award held its final meeting, and decided that the Award would recognise in the category City / Local or Regional Governments: Gwanak-Gu, for the project "Youth Capital of Culture", and La Paz (Bolivia), for the project "Traditional Medicine Information and Guidance Centres - Qullañ Uta". The Jury also decided to recognise the following cities as special mentions of the Award: Bilbao, Brazzaville, Esch-sur-Alzette, Novi Sad, Ramallah and Xi'an.
In the category Individual, the Award recognises internationally renowned individuals who have made a fundamental contribution to cultural rights, and to the relationship between culture and sustainable development. The Individual award is designated by the Jury without an open competition process, based on confidential nominations. This year, the Jury decided to recognise the outstanding work of Milena Dragićević Šešić and Alfons Martinell Sempere.
The full Communiqué of the Jury, including the results of the 6th edition of the International Award UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21, is available here.
The Award Ceremony will take place in Mexico City on 25 July 2024. It will be connected to the international seminar on Cultural Innovation and Prospective for Cities and Territories (see draft here). If you are interested in attending these events, please do not hesitate to write to us before 5 July 2024. The invitations are limited!