Transit Projectes - Conversaciones en Confinamiento: "Políticas culturales locales y desarrollo sostenible en el marco de la crisis post-COVID-19", with the Cities of Concepción; Terrassa; Cuenca, accompanied by Marta Llobet, from the UCLG Culture Committee and Jordi Baltá, from Trànsit Projectes.
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The City of Cuenca is a Pilot City of the Agenda 21 for culture, through the Pilot City Programme for 2016-2018.
Check out Cuenca's publication "Memories of the implementation of Agenda 21 for culture in Cuenca - Pilot Cities Programme 2016-2018" (in Spanish only).
Consult the Strategic Plan for Culture in the Canton of Cuenca for 2030 (only in Spanish).
Check out Cuenca's new publication on "Cultural Territories. Progress made and reflections on culture, urban planning, and public space in the Canton of Cuenca" [Territorios culturales. Avances y reflexión sobre cultura, planificación urbana y espacio público en cantón de Cuenca, solo disponible en español].
Check out Cuenca's "Memorandum on the elaboration of the Strategic Pan for Culture in the Canton of Cuenca for 2030" [Memoria de construcción del Plan Estratégico Cantonal de Cultura del Cantón de Cuenca al 2030, solo disponible en español).
The City of Cuenca has open the elaboration process for its Cultural Rights and Commitments Charter to comments and proposals. The draft version of the documento can be downloaded here (in English only) and contributions should be sent to
Consult the final report Cuenca elaborated to present the results of the second self-assessment workshop in the context of the Pilot City programme. The full report is also available in Spanish.
The City of Cuenca is organizing on next 16-20 July 2018 a meeting on "Cultural Rights and City", an international symposium which will be the occasion of celebrating the final assessment of Cuenca as a Pilot City (in Spanish).
Consult the peer-learning visit report of Concepción visiting Cuenca (only in Spanish).
Consult Cuenca's Work Programme, elaborated in the framework of its participation to the Pilot City programme (only in Spanish).
Read Cuenca's Public Event report (only in Spanish).
Read the Self-Assessment Report of the City of Cuenca, elaborated in the framework of the Pilot City programme.
The City of Cuenca will host the Continental Forum of Intermediary Cities: Latin-America "towards the Agenda 2030" from 28 February to 2 March 2018.