Check out this report elaborated by the City of Lyon as a result of a peer-hosting visit organised with the Committee on Culture of UCLG
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Check out Lyon's promotion video on Culture, Sustainability and Cities, elaborated in the context of the International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21, which 3rd edition was won by Lyon.
Consult the document elaborated by Lyon as a winner of the 3rd edition of the International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21.
The City of Lyon together with the Committee on Culture of UCLG are organising a peer-learning meeting on 25-27 September 2019 on "Culture, Governance and Sustainable Cities". Check out the programme.
Consult the Cultural cooperation charter of the City of Lyon for 2017-2020 (only available in French).
See Lyon's good practice "Cultural Cooperation Charter: Lyon commits its public culture department to creating a Sustainable City".
See Lyon's good practice "Making Lyon a sustainable city: a culturally cvooperative community".