Read the final publication of Terrassa as a Pilot City. Also available in Catalan.
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The City of Terrassa is a Pilot City of the Agenda 21 de la cultura through our European Pilot City programme for 2015-2017.
The City of Terrassa organizes the 1st 'Preventive Creativity' meeting to discuss solutions on cultural industries with creative cities, artists and professionals.
Transit Projectes - Conversaciones en Confinamiento: "Políticas culturales locales y desarrollo sostenible en el marco de la crisis post-COVID-19", with the Cities of Concepción; Terrassa; Cuenca, accompanied by Marta Llobet, from the UCLG Culture Committee and Jordi Baltá, from Trànsit Projectes.
Check out the activities launched and/or coordinated by the City Council regarding culture and COVID-19 (also available in Catalan).
Read Terrassa's City Profile.
Check out the self-assessment report of the City of Terrassa, elaborated in the framework of the Pilot City programme. A Catalan version is also available.
Check out the working programme of the City of Terrassa, elaborated in the framework of the Pilot City programme (only in Spanish). A Catalan version is also available.
Check out the good practice "Terrassa white paper on culture", elaborated in the framework of the Pilot City programme.
Read the report of the peer-learning visit to Terrassa and Barcelona, realized in the context of the Pilot City programme.