December. Organisation of the webinar The Culture Capitals and the Culture Goal. Working to Boost the Connections between Regional Initiatives and Global Challenges” online.
November. Participation to the UNESCO Regional Consultations towards Mondiacult 2025.
Participation in the International Seminar “Cultura Iberoamericana”, and organisation of a Culture 21 Plus workshop in Bogotá.
Organisation of a peer learning visit on cultural mediation in Barcelona.
October. Participation in the 13th Culture Next Conference in Cluj-Napoca.
Peer-Learning visit of Baie Mahault to Strasbourg.
Participation in the UCLG World Council, held in The Hague.
September. Organisation of a Culture 21 Plus workshop in Bandung.
Organisation of a Culture 21 Plus workshop in Ségou.
Organisation of the Seminar "A Culture Goal in the SDGs: Context, Actors and Challenges" in Bilbao.
Organisation of the #Culture2030Goal side-event “From Summit to Substance” at the UN Summit for the Future.
August. Organisation of the Seminar (and Culture 21 Plus workshop) “Thailand Culture 21 Best Practice”.
July. Ceremony of the UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 International Award and International Seminar ‘Cultural Innovation and Prospective for Cities and Territories’ in Mexico City.
Organisation of the #Culture2030Goal side-event “Centring culture in reinforcing SDG delivery and achieving the goals of the Pact for the Future“ in the context of the UN HLPF.
June. Webinar Series - Culture 21 Plus: A cocreation process on the local implementation of Cultural Rights.
Statement #Culture2030Goal on “Progress in Mobilising Culture to Achieve Development Goals in the Pact for the Future Draft”.
Leading Cities Workshop in Jinju.
Statement #Culture2030Goal on “Progress in Mobilising Culture to Achieve Development Goals in the Pact for the Future Draft”.
May. Celebration of the "20 Years of the Agenda 21 for Culture" with a webinar, online.
Participation in the Pact for the Future NGO forum, organised in Nairobi.
Organisation of a Culture 21 Plus workshop in Esch-sur-Alzette.
April. Participation in the International Forum of NGOs in Official Partnership with UNESCO on “Sustainable Cultures: NGOs towards a Culture Goal in the post 2030 Agenda”, in Abidjan.
Participation in the UCLG Executive Bureau, celebrated in San José de Costa Rica.
March. Participation in the Mayor Adamowicz Award, in Mons.
Organisation of a Culture 21 Plus workshop in Elefsina.
Participation in an Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable tourism, organised in Bilbao.
February. Participation in the UCLG Annual Retreat & Campus, organised in Barcelona.
Statement #Culture2030Goal "No Future without Culture".
January. Participation in a UCLG Future Envisioning Exercise on the Building Blocks of Peace, online.
Organisation of the #Culture2030Goal Webinar “Looking ahead: Culture in Sustainable Development in 2024 and Beyond”, online.

December. Organisation of the 20th annual meeting of the Committee on Culture of UCLG.
COP 28: publication of the Call to Put Cultural Heritage, Arts and Creative Sectors at the Heart of Climate Action and creation of the Group of Friends of Culture-Based Climate Action.
November. Organisation of the 5th UCLG Culture Summit in Dublin and publication of the Culture. Future. Goal. Dublin Statement.
Organisation of a peer-learning meeting for Abitibi-Témiscamingue with Creatour in Portugal
October. Participation in the UCLG Executive Bureau in Konya.
September. Participation in the Iberoamerican Seminar on Cultural and Creative Companies of UCCI, in Mexico City.
Participation in the United Nations SDG Summit in New York with the UCLG Decalogue towards cities, governments and a multilateral system that care for people, democracy, and our planet.
Contribution to the Urban 20 Summit in Ahmedabad and publication of the White Paper on Championing Local Culture and Economy elaborated in the framework of the Urban 20 city diplomacy initiative chaired by India in 2023.
August. Support to Jeju’s Global Youth Creative Residency (GYCR).
July. Launch of the “Culture 21 PLUS” workshops organised respectively in Jinju (July), Mexico City (September) and Lisbon (November).
Publication of the Report 11. Localising the SDGs with a Cultural Perspective. Initial Results of the Seven Keys Programme.
Publication of the Paper 4 “A Cultural Boost in the Achievement of the SDGs: How local and regional governments are promoting cultural heritage and sustainable cities and territories in the context of the HLPF 2023.
June. Participation in CAE’s Beyond the Obvious Conference, in the Culture Next annual meeting and organization of a workshop on Culture and the SDGs in Elefsina.
Participation in the UCLG Executive Bureau and Metropolis Congress in Brussels.
May. Participation in the Forum of African Mayors for Culture in the context of the African Capitals of Culture, in Rabat.
Participation in the UCLG Future Envisioning Exercises: Redefining the Commons, Regaining Trust, Redefining finance and Renewing governance architecture.
Organisation of the final Pilot City Conference in Escazú.
April. Organisation of the #LearningWithUCLG live session “Culture: The Missing Piece”.
March. Participation in the Artemrede Conference and organisation of a Seminar in Lisbon, Leading City of the Committee on Culture.
Organisation of a Culture 21 LAB in Santo André.
February. Participation in the annual UCLG Retreat & Campus.

December. Coorganisation of the webinar “Cultural Leisure and Amateur Artistic Practice: A Look at Municipal Intervention Models” in Montréal.
Organisation of several Seven Keys workshops in Lilongwe, Saint-Louis and Yoff (Dakar).
Organisation of the Leading City Final Seminar in Izmir.
Organisation of the webinar “Abasto cultural neighbourhood: economic boost and urban regeneration” in Buenos Aires.
Celebration of the annual meeting of the UCLG Committee on Culture.
Publication of the MOOC on The Role of Culture in the Climate Resilient Development.
November. Organisation of a Seven Keys workshop in Burgos.
Participation in several activities in the frame of Culture at COP27, in close cooperation with the Climate Heritage Network. Publication of the CHN COP27 Manifesto.
Coorganisation of the Culturopolis Conference – International Days on Cultural Rights in Barcelona.
October. Organisation pf the UCLG 7th World Congress and Summit of Local and Regional Leaders in Daejeon and adoption of the Pact for the Future of Humanity: for the People, for the Planet, for the Government.
September. Coorganisation of the Cultural Policies and Anti-racism Seminar and peer-learning visit in Malmö.
Organisation of the Award Ceremony of the 5th edition of the UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21 Award in Mexico City.
Publication of the Culture Goal proposal by the #Culture2030Goal campaign.
Participation in the UNESCO Mondiacult+40 Conference in Mexico City.
August. Organisation of the Global Youth Creative Residencies in Jeju.
July. Organisation of a side-event with the #Culture2030Goal campaign in the UN HLPF – United Nations High Level Political Forum in New York.
June. Participation in the UCLG Executive Bureau in Seville.
Virtual participation in the European Development Days (EU DevDays) in Brussels.
Virtual participation in the World Urban Forum (WUF) 11 in Katowice.
May. Participation in the Africities Summit in Kisumu.
Virtual participation in the Fribourg Declaration +15 Colloquium.
March. Virtual participation in the British Council Global Talk on “Missing Pillar: Common Sense and The Community”.
Virtual participation in the SDG Global Festival of Action.
February. Participation in the annual UCLG Retreat & Campus.
January. Organisation of two UCLG-Africa webinars on Culture and the SDGs.

December. The #culture2030goal campaign published the report "Culture in the Localization of the SDGs: An Analysis of the Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs)".
Celebration of the 18th meeting of the UCLG Committee on Culture.
The "OBS" interactive database reaches 283 good practices.
Organisation of the Seven Keys workshop in Xi'an.
November. Publication of the report "The Role of Culture in Climate Resilient Development", written by Andrew Potts.
Participation in several activities in the frame of Culture at COP26, in close cooperation with the Climate Heritage Network.
The UCLG World Council, held in Barcelona and online, hosts the delivery of the 4th edition of the UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 Inrternational Award to Medellín, Ségou, Eusebio Leal and Vandana Shiva.
Publication of the article "The right to participate in urban cultural life: from inequalities to equity", written by Nicolás Barbieri, in the frame of GOLD VI.
October. Publication of the report "Cultural Actions Supporting Gender Equality in Cities and Territories", written by Farida Shaheed.
The Climate Heritage Network releases the Manifesto "Accelerating Climate Action through the power of Arts, Culture and Heritage. A Manifesto on Keeping 1,5º Alive" at the 2021 United Nations Climate Conference (COP26).
September. Fourth UCLG Culture Summit in Izmir. Publication of the Izmir Declaration.
Participation to UCLG activities regarding the U20 process.
August. Organisation of the Global Youth Creatives Residency in Jeju.
July. Participation at the side-event "Partnering through Culture, Heritage and Art for Resilient and Inclusive Recovery" at the HLPF 2021.
June. Organisation of the Seven Keys workshop in Lisbon.
Final events of the Culture at Work Africa partnership, in Abidjan, Paris and Brussels.
Events to support the Orchestras of Transformation, in the frame of the 2020 Rome Charter.
Pre-launch of the UCLG Culture Summit in Imir and online.
Participation in the Call to Action to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape.
May. Release of the video "Culture is the antidote for the secondary effects of the current, and all, crises", in the frame of the UCLG Executive Bureau.
Webinar to celebrate the first anniversary of the Rome Charter.
Organisation the Seven Keys workshop in El Puerto de la Cruz.
Release of the Vision and Strategy document of the #culture2030goal campaign.
April. Organisation of the online event "Upgrading Culture in Sustainable Development: The Time is Now", with UN Habitat and Metropolis, and in partnership with the #culture2030goal campaign, Rome City Council and Palaexpo, in the context of the "Cities Are Listening" series.
Barcelona City Council organises the roundtable "Culture is a right. Urban policies and international context for cultural rights".
March. Participation in "The Missing Pillar Talk" on culture's contribution to sustainable development organised by The British Council.
February. Release of the final publication of Culture at Work Africa.
January. Release of the Voices of Culture report on Culture and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunités.
Release of the conversation between Luca Bergamo and Emilia Saiz, facilitated by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, in the frame of the Rome Charter.

December. The "OBS" interactive database reaches 230 good practices.
Organisation of the first-ever Seven Keys workshop in Bulawayo.
November. The 2020 Rome Charter is approved by the UCLG World Council, held in Guangzhou and online.
The UCLG World Council announces the Pact for the Future with the axes People, Planet and Government; to be shaped in 2021-2022 and where the cultural component is expected to have a strong place.
Celebration of the 17th meeting of the UCLG Committee on Culture.
Launch of the UCLG knowledge hub, including the LLE on the cultural mobilization in the COVID-19 pandemic.
October. International hybrid conference on the 2020 Rome Charter.
Participation in the activities CultureXClimate organised by the Climate Heritage Network.
July. The #culture2030goal statement is endorsed by the President of the United Nations General Assembly.
The #culture2030goal campaign organises the side-event “Culture – An Accelerator Under-Used? Realising the Potential of Culture for Short-term and Long-term Sustainable Development” in the context of the United Nations High Level Political Forum 2020 (HLPF2020).
June. Publication of the report “Culture, Cities and the COVID-19 Pandemic - part 1: Documenting the Initial Measures and Drafting Challenges Ahead”.
Launch of Ciudad(es)Cultura, the collaborative digital platform of Iberoamerican cities, initiated by Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Bogotá, Lisbon and Lima.
May. Presentation of the 2020 Rome Charter to the UCLG Executive Bureau, held in Rome and online and connected to the Local4Action Hubs.
Announcement of the winners of the "International UCLG Award - Mexico City - Culture 21", recognizing Medellín and Ségou (winning cities), as well as Chiang Mai, Concepción, Manchester, Ramallah, San José de Costa Rica, Ulaanbaatar and Yopougon (special mentions). Eusebio Leal and Vandana Shiva are the personalities awarded.
April. The #culture2030goal campaign publishes the Statement “Ensuring culture fulfils its potential in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic”.
Organisation of the online Live Learning Experience on the cultural mobilisation in the COVID-19 pandemic, in the context of the “Beyond the Outbreak” series.
Participation in the Global SDG Festival of Action, held online.
March. Opening of the page in our website dedicated to the cultural mobilization of cities and local governments in the COVID-19 crisis.
February. World Urban Forum (WUF10) held in Abu Dhabi and devoted to culture and innovation; it concludes with the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions.
Culture at Work Africa - Networking workshop in Zimbabwe.